2014 J/24 Southern Areas / Taittinger Regatta – Yarmouth, IOW

25 July 2014 - 27 July 2014

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Taking place as part of the Tattinger Regatta, hosted by the Royal Solent YC in Yarmouth, IOW during July. This is a great event giving fun and challenging racing in the western Solent combined with a fantastic social programme, including the sponsors champagne reception and the infamous ‘Towers Party’….

An event not to be missed….


Notice of Race – nor2014_1399034418

Entry Form – keelboatentryform2014_1399034418

Yarmouth Tourist Information – 01983 760321

Nearby Camping Accommodation – www.orchards-holiday-park.co.uk

Launching and trailer storage (if required) can be arranged through Berthon in Lymington – 01590 647405

Sailing event