The UKJCA welcomes Simon Philbrick and Carole Coveney who have jointly taken on the class secretary role.
The role had been held by Rob Clark (Rockley GBR 4254) for the past couple of years but as his home life has growing demands, he has had to pass the reins over. The class extends it’s gratitude to Rob, Emma, Josie and the recent new arrival Mia for their efforts in maintaining the class on an even keel.
Carole and Simon (Dinger) have big shoes to fill. The class has been quiet for the past 3 months due to events being spread out, but with 2 Plymouth events in the next month and preparations for the 2015 season, we should see some news and updates coming thick and fast.
They also hope to update the websites names and details so if you notice any errors or changes needed please let them know.
The UK Class Committee on behalf of the class and members wish them all the luck and looking forward to fair winds.